About Us

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As soon as we were both in love with and committed to prioritizing traveling, we began dreaming of possibilities. During our “dreaming” phase, we thought about backpacking around Europe, hitch hiking across he U.S, and even dabbled in the idea of living full time abroad! But when we heard about people living and traveling in a van that THEY built, we knew thats what we HAD to do. After officially deciding to do what we call "figuring it out” and “making it work”, we bought a van in the summer of 2019.

We both grew up in good ol’ Greeley, Colorado. It was there that we met in High School and started dating when we were 16. Besides a short break in the fall of 2017, we’ve been together ever since! We got married in December of 2018 and lived in Greeley while we built out our beautiful van! 


While we SLOWLY but surely converted our van, we both worked 2 jobs to afford everything. For a time we even lived in Janna’s parent’s basement so we wouldn’t have rent! But we made it work and now own our van and everything in it OUT RIGHT. It’s such a great feeling not owing money to anyone!

Janna grew up traveling with her family, but this was pretty new to Austin when we met. For Austin’s 21st birthday Janna surprised him with a trip to San Fransisco and up until that point, Austin had NEVER been on an airplane! But from that December to the end of that summer, Austin had been on 21 flights!??! Needless to say we had a busy year and Austin fell in love with traveling. As a couple we’ve been to 10 countries and 38 states! In fact, we got engaged in the Netherlands and honeymooned in Italy.


Then after a wild spring and wrestling with the mess of COVID-19, we moved into our van full-time!!

Of course it wasn’t as easy as that just made it sound. Buying and building our van was the biggest test of our relationship thus far. We missed deadlines, plans fell threw, we forgot to order things, we made WAY too many trips to Lowes, and struggled with the question of, “is this really worth it?”. But looking back, it was SO worth it. We would both go through this process again if given the chance. We have grown so much as a couple and learned so much about each other and how to get sh!t done.

So follow along with us as we continue to learn and grow - together.
